End of Season Plant Sale – Nov 9-10 & 16-17

Our non-profit nursery is far more than a business – it is a mission-driven project promoting biodiversity as nature’s failsafe strategy for resilience both in our gardens and in the greater world. As … Read more

Nursery Season Opens April 6th!

Happy Spring! We are so thankful for the generous rains that have invigorated our gardens and promise an explosive Spring of extravagant growth and abundance! Our nursery tables are packed … Read more

Perennials You Can Plant Now

If you’re an avid gardener, you are probably about to get your Fall and Winter annuals into the ground, or have already done so. However, there are also many perennial food crops, … Read more

OAEC Nursery Staff Spotlights

Behind the scenes at OAEC are dozens of talented hourly and part-time staff members. Here are some of the wonderful people who give their time, energy and love to the OAEC Nursery, our 100% California Certified … Read more

Last Summer Plant Sale Weekend

Saturday and Sunday are the last two days of the Summer Plant Sale until our Plant Sales resume for our Fall Plant Sale! We still have an incredibly wide array of beautiful … Read more