Beaver Resources
There is a whole world of people working on beaver advocacy, non-lethal management, restoration, and more. Check out our links to the rest of the beaver-sphere.
- The Beaver Institute, Mike Callahan (MA)
- Beaver Management Forum (Facebook)
- Beavers Northwest, Elyssa Kerr (WA)
- Beavers: Wetlands & Wildlife, Sharon Brown (NY)
- The Boulder Watershed Collective, (CO)
- The California Process-Based Restoration Network (CA)
- Fairfield Beavers, Virginia Holsworth (CA)
- Give a Dam, Nichole Fox (CO)
- Human-Beaver Coexistence Fund, Alison Zak (VA)
- The Lands Council Beaver Solution (WA)
- National Wildlife Federation
- Methow-Okanogan Beaver Project, Alexa Whipple (WA)
- Mid Klamath Watershed Council, Will Harling (CA)
- Montana Beaver Working Group, Shelby Weigand (MT)
- Occidental Arts and Ecology Center WATER Institute, Kate Lundquist & Brock Dolman (CA)
- Scott River Watershed Council, Charnna Gilmore (CA)
- Seventh Generation Institute, Cathryn Wild (NM)
- Sierra Wildlife Coalition, Sherry Guzzi (CA, NV)
- SLO Beaver Brigade, Audrey Taub (CA)
- Tulalip Beaver Project (WA)
- Tule River Tribe Beaver Project (CA)
- Watershed Guardians, Mike Settell (ID)
- Watershed Management Group (AZ)
- WildEarth Guardians, Chris Smith (NM)
- Working with Beavers (Canada)
- Worth A Dam, Heidi Perryman (CA)
- The Beaver Restoration Assessment Tool (BRAT)
- Beaver – Our Watershed Partner by Lorne Fitch, Cows and Fish, 2016
- The Beaver Restoration Guidebook: Working with Beaver to Restore Streams, Wetlands, and Floodplains by Gregory Lewallen, Chris Jordan, Kent Woodruff, Michael Pollock, Janine Castro, 2023
- Beaver Restoration Toolbox: A Collection of Insights, Resources and Expert Contacts to Guide Riparian Restoration Projects that Capitalize on the Engineering Capacity of the North American Beaver by Karl Malcolm, 2013
- Beavers in the San Joaquin Valley by Sustainable Conservation, 2024
- Design Criteria for Process-Based Restoration of Fluvial Systems by Damion Ciotti, Jared Mckee, Karen Pope, G Mathias Kondolf, Michael Pollock, 2021
- Doty Ravine Demonstration Site in Lincoln, CA (Owned and managed by Placer Land Trust) This site is one of California’s best examples of how beaver co-existence and inexpensive process-based restoration techniques can increase wetland area by 1200% in five years for under $60K.
- Landowners’ Guide to Nonlethal Beaver Solutions: How to Help Beavers and Benefit from Them at the Same Time by Animal Protection of New Mexico, 2012
- Low-Tech Process-Based Restoration of Riverscapes: Design Manual by Joe Wheaton, Stephen Bennett, Nick Bouwes, Jeremy Maestas, Scott Shahverdian, 2019
- Low-Tech Process-Based Restoration of Riverscapes: Pocket Field Guide by Joseph Wheaton, Adrea Wheaton, Jeremy Maestas, Stephen Bennett, Nick Bouwes, Scott Shahveridan, Reid Camp, Chris Jordan, William Macfarlane, Elijah Portugal, Nick Weber, 2019
- Planning for Beavers Manual: Anticipating Beavers Designing Restoration Projects, prepared by Jen Vanderhoof, King County Water and Land Resources Division, Seattle, Washington, 2022
- Report on the Efficacy and Comparative Costs of Using Flow Devices to Resolve Conflicts with North American Beavers along Roadways in the Coastal Plain of Virginia, submitted by Stephanie Boyles, Christopher Newport Univ., 2006
- Think like a Beaver, Kevin Swift of Swift Water Design.
- Working with Beaver for Better Habitat Naturally by Sherri Tippie, Wildlife 2000, 2010
- Working with Beaver to Restore Salmon Habitat in the Bridge Creek Intensively Monitored Watershed: Design Rationale and Hypotheses by Michael Pollock, Joseph Wheaton, Nick Bouwes, Carol Volk, Nick Weber, Chris Jordan, 2012. NOAA Technical Memorandum, NMFS–NWFSC–120
- The Beaver Advocacy Committee of the South Umpqua Rural Community Partnership, Leonard and Lois Houston (OR)
- The Beaver Ecology & Relocation Center (Utah State University), Nate Norman (UT)
- The Lands Council Beaver Solution (WA)
- Methow-Okanogan Beaver Project, Alexa Whipple (WA)
- The Tulalip Beaver Project, Molly Alves (WA)
- Wildlife 2000, Sherri Tippie (CO)
- Yakima Beaver Project, Melissa Babik (WA)
- Beaver and Climate Change Adaptation in North America: A Simple, Cost-Effective Strategy by WildEarth Guardians, Grand Canyon Trust, and The Lands Council, 2011
- Beaver as a Climate Change Adaptation Tool: Concepts and Priority Sites in New Mexico by Cathryn Wild, Seventh Generation Institute, 2011
- Beaver and Process-Based Restoration Build Momentum in California! by Kate Lundquist, Brock Dolman, Hannah Wilton, 2022
- Beavers—Printable Mini-Zine by Fiona Barnacle, 2023
- The Beaver: Its Life and Impact (second edition), by Dietland Müller-Schwarze, 2011
- The Beaver Manifesto by Glynnis Hood, 2011
- Beavers, Meadows, and Climate Change in Childs Meadow, California, Project Contact Sarah Yarnell, UC Davis Center for Watershed Sciences
- Beaverland: How One Weird Rodent Made America by Leila Philip, 2022
- Eager: The Surprising, Secret Life of Beavers and Why They Matter by Ben Goldfarb, 2018
- The Effect of Beaver (Castor canadensis) Removal on Total Phosphorus Concentration in Taylor Creek and Wetland, South Lake Tahoe, California by Sarah Muskopf, 2007
- Geomorphic Changes Upstream of Beaver dams in Bridge Creek, an Incised Stream Channel in the interior Columbia River Basin, Eastern Oregon by Michael Pollock, Timothy Beechie, and Chris Jordan, 2007
- Hydrologic and Geomorphic Effect of Beaver Dams and Their Influence on Fishes by Michael Pollock, Morgan Heim, Danielle Werner (American Fisheries Society Symposium 37, 2003)
- The Importance of Beaver Ponds to Coho Salmon Production in the Stillaguamish River Basin, Washington, USA by Michael Pollock, George Pess, Timothy Beechie and David Montgomery (North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 2004)
- Once They Were Hats: In Search of the Mighty Beaver by Frances Backhouse, 2016
- Persistence at Distributional Edges: Columbia Spotted Frog Habitat in the Arid Great Basin, USA by Robert Arkle, David Pilliod, 2015
- Relationships between Willow Flycatcher and Beaver-Modified Stream Reaches in Sierra Nevada Montane Meadows. Report to The Nature Conservancy by Brent Campos, Helen Loffland, Ryan Burnett, 2019
- Smokey the Beaver: beaver-dammed riparian corridors stay green during wildfire throughout the western United States by Emily Fairfax, Andrew Whittle (Ecological Applications, 2020)
- Novel Physical Evidence That Beaver Historically Were Native to the Sierra Nevada by Charles James, Richard Lanman (California Fish and Game 98:129-132, 2012)
- The Historic Range of Beaver in the Sierra Nevada: A Review of the Evidence by Richard Lanman, Heidi Perryman, Brock Dolman, Charles James (California Fish and Game 98:65-80, 2012)
- The Historical Range of Beaver (Castor canadensis) in Coastal California: An Updated Review of the Evidence by Christopher Lanman, Kate Lundquist, Heidi Perryman, Eli Asarian, Brock Dolman, Richard Lanman, Michael Pollock (California Fish and Game 99:193-221, 2013)
- The Historic Range of Beaver in the North Coast of California: A Review of the Evidence by Kate Lundquist, Brock Dolman, Richard Lanman, Michael Pollock, Jeff Baldwin 2013
- Beavers and Flooding: A Stop Motion Story by Alison Zak, 2024
- Beavers and Wildfire: A stop-motion story by Dr. Emily Fairfax, 2019
- Beaver: Back to the Future by Sarah Koenigsberg, Tensegrity Productions, 2015
- Beaver Believers by Sarah Koenigsberg, Tensegrity Productions, 2018
- Leave It To Beavers by Jari Osborn, 2014
- One Stick at a Time by The 10 Decades Project and Sarah Koenigsberg, 2017