State Beaver Restoration Program Updates

The WATER Institute is excited to support the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) as it develops its new Beaver Restoration Program. Some highlights include:
  • Two new pilot beaver translocation sites have been selected for further assessment by CDFW. The WATER institute and pilot project partners had productive site visits in July. Stay tuned for further developments.
  • The WATER Institute and partners succeeded in getting budget bill language approved in the final state budget to earmark up to $2 million of California’s Nature Based Solutions restoration funds to support non-lethal beaver deterrence efforts. The process of how these funds might be dispersed is still under development. 
  • CDFW has convened the Technical Advisory Group members to solicit input on the Beaver Management Plan they are currently developing. The WATER Institute is grateful for the opportunity to contribute through its participation in this group. 
Napa Creek beaver feeding in downtown Napa, CA.
Photo: Brock Dolman/OAEC

WATER Institute
quoted by The Associated Press

On July 24, the Associated Press published an article celebrating the new CDFW policy changes as they pertain to beaver restoration and management and quoted WATER Institute’s Kate Lundquist: 

“There has been increased motivation to identify and fund the implementation of nature-based climate smart solutions,” she said. “Beaver restoration is just that.”

Read the article 

NBC Bay Area Visits the Napa Beaver Colony

Upcoming Events

The Salmonid Restoration Federation Coho Confab – August 25-27 – Low-Tech Process Based Restoration: Beavers, BDAs, Forest Thinning to Flows, facilitated by Brock Dolman. Register here.

CalPBR Network Training – September 26-29 – Making Meadows Matter – A workshop on meadow restoration in the Klamath Basin. Register here.

CalPBR Build like a Beaver Workshop –  Evening of October 11 – October 13, 2023 – Details to be posted on the CalPBR website soon. 

State of the Beaver Conference – November 13-15 – Brock and Kate to present on “Big Beaver Wins in California – A Review of Successful Strategies, Results and an Update on Current State Policy and Program.” More here.       
Photo: Carrie Monohan/The Sierra Fund