Dutch Bill Creek Coho Restoration poster
The Dutch Bill Creek Coho Recovery poster is installed in a display kiosk in downtown Occidental, CA at the watershed divide line between Dutch Bill Creek Watershed and Salmon Creek Watershed. The OAEC WATER Institute produced this summary of the technical Dutch Bill Creek Streamflow Improvement Plan document (Russian River Coho Water Resources Partnership, 2017) with infographics, photos and a map geared toward educating the general audience of visitors to the town. In addition to raising overall public “watershed consciousness,” the poster highlights the accomplishments of community restoration efforts to improve conditions for Coho salmon, the keystone species for our local Dutch Bill Creek.
Years of community organizing amongst diverse stakeholders and agencies resulted in the formation of the The Russian River Coho Water Resources Partnership. Established in 2009, with funding from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and Sonoma Water, the Partnership works to improve streamflow for fish and water supply reliability for human communities in five Russian River streams critical to coho recovery.