OAEC’s fiscally sponsored project Peak Plastic creates integrated storytelling campaigns to fight plastic production and pollution and to empower global collaborative action. Last month, Peak Plastic founders Stiv Wilson and Megan Ponder and their team won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Writing in their documentary The Story of Plastic! The documentary tells the hidden story of plastic pollution, from production to incineration and features heroes from the Break Free From Plastic movement who are rising up against big plastic around the world. To celebrate, the Discovery Channel is offering The Story of Plastic film for FREE through the end of November. If weren’t able to join us last year for the online movie screening, we highly recommend taking advantage of this free opportunity to watch it. Congrats Stiv and Megan!
Also, check out this Civil Eats article In the Food System and Beyond, Plastics Are the Problem which features Peak Plastic’s work and an interview with Stiv Wilson.