A Homeowner’s and Landowner’s Guide to Beneficial Stormwater Management
The WATER Institute contributed to this exciting guidebook that helps Sonoma County landowners and homeowners make the most of the many potential benefits of innovative stormwater management. Once thought of as a nuisance, stormwater is now universally recognized as one our most important natural resources and proper management (simple to complex) is more important than ever.
Traditional building and landscaping practices were designed to dispose of stormwater as quickly as possible. This outdated paradigm typically results in significant damage to land, structures, and the surrounding environment. Slowing down, spreading and sinking stormwater can help protect your property & increase its value, provide a free source of water for irrigation, conserve drinking water, beautify your landscape, promote groundwater recharge and much more!
The guidebook is packed full of information including:
- Understanding and evaluating stormwater runoff around your home or property
- How to protect your property and increase its value
- “Do it yourself” techniques
- A wide assortment of sample stormwater Best Management Practices
- Technical information and advice on rainwater harvesting and infiltration techniques
- Guidance on designing and implementing large-scale projects
- A broad sampling of local projects implemented right here in Sonoma County
- Safety and maintenance requirements
- An extensive resource guide to help readers quickly locate key information and get started!
Produced by the Southern Sonoma Resource Conservation District. To get a hard copy go to their website at The production and distribution of Slow it. Spread it. Sink it! guidebook is made possible by The Sonoma Valley Groundwater Management Program and its partner organizations including: The Sonoma County Water Agency, The North Bay Watershed Association, Southern Sonoma County Resource Conservation District, City of Petaluma, The WATER Institute at the Occidental Arts and Ecology Center and The Resource Conservation District of Santa Cruz County.