CA Beaver Summit – video recording

Climate change is making California hotter, drier, and harder for people and wildlife. Beaver can help.

Watch the video recording of the

California Beaver Summit!

click here to watch

During two online half-day sessions, the summit explored the many benefits that beavers offer to the ecosystems they occupy. OAEC co-sponsored this event which featured WATER Institute Co-Directors Kate Lundquist and Brock Dolman, among other experts in the field of beaver restoration.

The first session on April 7th presents an overview of beaver essentials. The discussion will clarify the history of beavers in the state, their ecological contribution as a keystone species, their function in aquatic restoration and conservation, and finally, how to successfully manage common conflicts beavers cause.

The second session on April 9th takes a closer look closer at how biologists, watershed stewards, and land managers utilize advances in beaver science and management for restoration. It addresses where they are being employed for fire resilience, conservation of endangered species, and cleaner water. California-specific management and policy challenges will be highlighted along with directions for future improvements. Because we are behind other beaver-progressive western states like Washington and Utah, California is in a unique position to avoid their mistakes and learn from their successes.

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