Brock Dolman Featured on Two Podcasts

WATER Institute Co-Director and OAEC Co-Founder Brock Dolman has been busy! He recently participated in two podcasts which we recommend listening to!

In the first, Permaculture Perspectives, Brock speaks with host Andrew Faust about permaculture history and traces the founding of OAEC. He discusses what it’s like to teach Permaculture Design three times a year for 30 years! They also explore Bill Mollison’s history with the community and Alan Chadwick’s legacy on the land. They touch on how to compose with nature rather than imposing on it, a tenet of process-based restoration, and even get into how to run good meetings in intentional communities.

In the second, RegeNarration, Brock traces his journey from military child to adventurous seeker to cofounding OAEC. Of course, Brock also discusses the successes of the Bring Back the Beaver campaign.

Happy listening!

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