Community Action marin

Community Action Marin (CAM) is a social service non-profit organization based in Marin County that helps individuals and families meet their basic needs and reach self-sufficiency to thrive. CAM provides many services to the community of Marin, including rent aid, legal assistance, food, childcare facilities, and many more community support systems. 

The new garden, developed by OAEC, was designed to provide fresh, nutritious produce for CAM’s child lunch program. The program is connected with 10 early childhood learning centers in the area and contributes towards 1000 healthy lunches each month. The garden also serves as an education environment to teach children about gardening and how to grow food themselves.

As part of this collaboration, OAEC offered a Spanish-language gardening course to the families of the children attending Old Gallinas Children’s Center, focusing on biointensive agriculture and regenerative food growing practices. This course equipped families with the knowledge and skills to grow their own food within the Marin County bioregion, fostering a deeper connection to the land.

Beyond the initial design and implementation, OAEC continues to play an active role in the garden’s upkeep. Our ongoing efforts ensure that the garden remains a thriving, reliable resource, providing a steady supply of fresh produce and serving as a living educational tool for the children and their families.